Rosamund Meets Hugo (A Fantasy Heroine Snippet)
For your general enjoyment, Currently Chapter Seven But Who Knows Where it Will End Up in the Final Draft. Aka Rosamund meets Hugo. Nineteen-year-old Rosamund Page pushed the heavy velvet aside, cursing wide-skirted ballgowns as she tried to flatten herself against the wall behind the draped fabric, safely out of sight. There was a solid obstacle in the way. ‘Oof’ said the obstacle, and Rosamund jumped, the curtain falling from her hands. There was not a lot of space behind it, and most of it was being taken up by a dark-haired man in his early twenties who looked both aggrieved and somewhat panicked. ‘Are you all right?’ Rosamund whispered in Bevorian, conscious of the sound of approaching voices. He grimaced. ‘Madam, I am hiding behind a curtain. What do you think?’ At least she’d guessed the right language in which to address him. ‘It seemed safe to assume that your evening wasn’t going well,’ said Rosamund, ‘but perhaps you just really wanted some peace and quiet?’...